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Ste. Genevieve County Ambulance District
P.O. Box 401
Ste. Genevieve, MO 63670



SGCAD CPRCPR, First Aid, or First ResponderClasses
Ste. Genevieve Ambulance District can provide classes to groups with at least six participants. (i.e. scouts, neighborhood watch groups, seniors, etc.) To schedule a class contact the District at 573-883-7000

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

CERT training is a 24 hour class designed to prepare you to help yourself, your family,and your neighbors in the event of a catastrophic disaster when emergency personnel may not be able to help everyone in need.SGCAD CERT The course provides simple training on subjects such as first aid, light search, rescue and fire safety. SGCAD has partnered with the Ste. Genevieve County Health Department in educating community members in this excellent program which we hope to continue to expand in the near future.

For more information contact:
Ste. Genevieve County Health Department 573-883-7411

Education Links:

Missouri Department of Transportation

Save Missouri Lives

American Heart Association

American Stroke Association

American Diabetes Association

American Cancer Society

American College of Emergency Physicians

American Council on Exercise

US Department of Transportation

FEMA-US Department of Homeland Security

Ready Gov. - Disaster Preparedness

CERT-Community Emergency Response Teams

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


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